A random conversation between me and my younger brother led to invention of this blog, hope you'll enjoy. So one fine day he asks, "is it necessary to follow too many restraints in order to maintain a healthy skin." I told yes it is, but human nature is such that it can't stop itself from having those consumables and finally regret. "So what's the way forward then", he asks with a tinge on his face. So what I advised him applies to the readers as well that, when any function is nearby like Meetings, Weddings, Get togethers, etc; start following these food habits prior one-two month atleast. while it's beneficial if followed for long run but as I said, invincible human mind defeats everything when the tasty tinge is in the front..
Some are beverages and others are food items, so there we go........
1) Bottled water
: Due to use & throw culture, demand for bottled waters has hiked up drastically but we lack knowledge about how harmful its usage may be. Some people knowingly commit this sin, due to let it be mindset. So what's harmful here : Increasing use of BPA in water bottles is another steroid analogue, as it could
act like hormones in your body. Moreover the impact of heat on plastic creates drastic toxins in water which if futile. There are other thousand reasons not to use plastic bottles all the time.
2) Soda
: High-sugar beverages like soda and others damages the collagen formation, the connective tissue that help keeps skin firm — thus is very much unadvised especially to those who are healthy skin conscious. In addition to sugar and Advanced Glycation End-Products (AGEs) which destroys the elastin of your skin and slows down the production of new collagen, the caffeine found in soda can dehydrate the skin, resulting in huge appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Plus, soda may cause certain skin conditions to become more worst. ... Especially eczema, or very dry, itchy inflamed skin, and acne, specifically cystic acne. So what to have then instead of this harmful drink ? - plenty of options available like to stick to calorie-free bevies like water, seltzer, unsweetened tea, etc.
3) Alcohol
: Generally Alcohol dehydrates the body , including the skin. Excessive drinking deprive the skin of vital vitamins and nutrients, sucking out the moisture and contributing to a sunken and washed-out look. Over time, drinking heavily can have other, more permanent, detrimental effects on your skin. Alcohol dilates the skin pores, leading to blackheads & whiteheads, And if is not properly treated, it can cause inflamed skin papules (bumps) & cystic acne. In the long term, this ages the skin & can cause permanent scarring. Booze doesn’t need to be completely off-limits, but be sure to imbibe in moderation. So as the diuretic effect of alcohol can wreak havoc on your skin, don’t forget to counteract the effects of alcohol when you do tip a few back by taking in extra fluids.
4) Coffee
: A long standing debate where one group claims coffee having anti-inflammatory and skin lightening properties along with rich in anti-oxidants, while other group criticizing the coffee as harmful for our skin. What matters here is the amount of caffine intake, be that in check, the harm may be avoided & benefits be gained. So how does it harm ?
opens the door for several potential skin problems. Caffeine can
dehydrate skin, magnifying the appearance of fine lines. Taking your
coffee with an abundance of cream and sugar certainly won't help. When too much caffeine interrupts your sleep, it's effects are shown up on skin.
Acne problem though is not created by it but may be worsened due to this additional acne booster drink.
Tannins are found in coffee and black tea. It gets processed by your liver, which
filters gunk out of your body. Sadly, your liver also retains a fair
amount of these toxins over time, which can contribute to liver spots on
your skin.
5) Energy Drinks
: Skin flushing sounds and looks similar to blushing.. this is a double-punch to your face, from caffeine and sugar. These fizzy drinks promise energy, but really only hop you up on sugar, caffeine and other stimulants. And as we have discussed earlier what harm do they influx upon you, to summarize - quick aging, fine lines, wrinkles, dehydration / moisture sucked up, acne boosting, etc. Yes it lures us by high powered ads but we need to know that energy is just a thought. If you think energetic, you will feel so. Yes if it's due to any bodily weakness than below here is a traditional Indian recipe which most of the Indians do not know..
Get some fresh Cow Ghee in a pan, let it warm, side by side get Jaggery crushed into small chips, after 5-10 minuter add this Jaggery into that hot Ghee and stir well, make it boil and serve hot.. I guarantee you'll feel energized.
6) White bread, Bagels, Doughnuts, Popcorn
: Tasty to appear but one fact we should know is - Foods with a high glycemic index gives you a sugar rush that will be terrible for your skin. When you increase sugar levels in the blood stream, the sugar that's not picked up by the liver can get into your collagen, which your body may then identify as damaged goods and chew up. It can also cause inflammation that could make you break out. You can find out a food's glycemic index at glycemicindex.com —anything under 55 is considered low. White bread causes a drastic spike in blood sugar and insulin that has been linked to acne.
Moreover processed sugar and processed wheat are what we call "Refined carbs" and it's effects are Increased Oil Production - which pumps out pimples, Age Your Skin prematurely, etc.
7) White Rice
: Can be termed as National Food of India as be it North, South, East or West, entire India just loves the rice and common recipe being Dal-Rice. But we need to know that like white bread, white rice is another food ranking high on the glycemic index. While it's not totally unhealthy, consider enjoying this food along with a higher-protein food like chicken, beans or peanut butter to delay digestion time. Brown rice is considered to be the healthy alternative, but yes it's not everyone's cup of tea to buy such expensive item..
8) Mayonnaise
: One Golden Rule which we need to inculcate in our heads is "Food Moderation". It means whatever we eat, must not cross certain limit, especially fat containing items, if ate regularly, can devastate entire body along with skin. Commercial mayonnaise is usually made with unhealthy fats and offers very little nutrition. Foods high in omega-6 rich oils (like soybean, corn and safflower) found in mayo and some salad dressings can stimulate inflammatory processes, making skin less than stellar. Many of these plant-based oils are good for you in moderation. For best results eat omega-6 fats in combination with inflammation fighting omega-3s from foods like salmon and tuna.
9) Fried Foods & Salty Snacks
: Fried foods is a crime for those seeking spotless skin. It contains huge amount of unhealthy fat which increases bad cholesterol as well. Eating too many high-fat foods can have a negative effect internally on circulation as it clogs our arteries. This can promote that skin puffiness that no one appreciates when looking in the mirror. Chips and high-sodium dips can quickly jack up your salt intake for the day. This kind of salt consumption leads to water retention that you can feel all over, including your skin and is unhealthy for the body as well.
10) Processed Meats
: Eating lots of high-fat and high-sodium processed meats like salami and hot dogs won’t do your complexion any favors. Look for brands that use less preservatives, enjoy in moderation and drink extra water if you do eat them. Acne is common problem noticed among meat eaters as it has loads of spices.
11) Milk chocolate & Candy
: It's the sugars that make milk chocolate hard on your skin, but for the record. But there's no reason to skip dark chocolate, which is way healthy and tasty. Pump of insulin due to high sugar dose can cause acne, black & white heads, etc.. It’s no secret that candy is no good for your waistline, but all those processed sugars can also damage your skin by promoting inflammation.
Thus moral of the story is keep distance with sugar loaded items, especially parents should check sugar intake of their young ones as irregularity may lead to severe diseases like diabetes or heart problem along with skin problems.
"SO WHAT TO EAT THAN" said my brother with ragefull face.
Keep following as next post is my answer to the little champ :
Guyzz, Please comment on how this blog ALERT!!! ARE YOU EATING THESE SKIN ENEMY FOODS...? was & follow if you like.
Guyzz, Please comment on how this blog ALERT!!! ARE YOU EATING THESE SKIN ENEMY FOODS...? was & follow if you like.
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